Four years ago, the pandemic ushered in a new era of remote work. Predominantly for the purpose of safety, the concept of working from home also functions as a great way to save money. Employers are saving money on equipment costs, repairs and office supplies. Employees are saving a bundle on gas and/or transit tolls since they don’t have to commute to and from work.
In addition to saving money, a remote worker is also known to be more productive than his or her in-office counterparts. What can you do to master the art of being a productive remote worker?
Create a daily schedule.
Although you may not have anyone breathing down your neck at home, it’s wise to be at your best at all times. Being lazy or complacent will kill your productivity. Set up a daily schedule to keep yourself focused and on track to complete all of your necessary assignments. A regular to-do list is a great way to ensure you’re not missing a beat.
“Have a clear end time for work every day,” advises Doug Cartwright of The Daily Shifts, “When working from home, it can be really easy to get sucked into working late. However, this will only add to feelings of burnout and stress. This is one easy way to set boundaries with work.” Cartwright also believes in scheduling breaks. “No matter your profession, you deserve a lunch break and a few short breaks throughout the day,” he insists.
Design a functional work space.
You may not necessarily wish to get out of your bed clothes before you start your work day. However, it’s wise to actually get out of bed! Setting up a specific area of your home to conduct your business tasks is a wise choice. To be at your productive best, you should separate your work-from-home space from where you spend your time leisurely.
“Whether you are living in a house or a studio apartment, see what you can do to compartmentalize your work area and separate it from the space that you wind down in,” recommends Cartwright, “This could be as simple as closing your laptop and putting away your laptop stand to keep things out of sight and out of mind at the end of the day.”
Eliminate distractions.
Do you have a lot of people living in your home with you? As Cartwright recommends, you should communicate your boundaries with housemates and family members who may be distracting.
“If somebody in your household is being loud and distracting while you’re trying to work, politely ask if they can keep it down, at least temporarily,” he instructs, “They might genuinely have no idea that they’re bothering you. If this isn’t an option or doesn’t work for you, you can’t go wrong with noise-cancelling headphones and peaceful music.”
Accept payments on a mobile device.
With Unity Payments’ Virtual Terminals, you can digitally accept payments from wherever you work during the day. Turn your computer or mobile device into a credit card terminal and start taking payments anytime, anywhere! It allows you to process payments in-person, online or on the go. For information on how to get all set up, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-661-3761 or email us at