We’re exactly two weeks away from Cyber Monday! The annual occasion is the most popular online shopping day of the year. Smack dab in the middle of the always-busy holiday shopping season, Cyber Monday is notorious for offering online shoppers significant discounts on their purchases. Needless to say, the day gives your business the opportunity to enjoy a major spike in sales.
On the flip side, you’ll also have to contend with a lot of competition. What can you do to make sure your online store enjoys a super Cyber Monday?
Offer a free gift card with each purchase.
This gesture can go a long way. The vast majority of shoppers who visit your online store, this Cyber Monday, will be looking to buy gifts for their loved ones. Why not offer them gifts as well? By including a free gift card with each purchase (even one as small as $5), it will incentivize customers to return to your store. Chances are they will spend more than the denominations on the cards ensuring that you get both repeat business and increased profits.
“Since gift cards are only redeemed when they are used, this approach creates a win-win situation. You either get a repeat customer down the road or a new customer if that gift card is given to a friend or family member,” notes Lizzie Davey of Shopify.
Engage your audience with storytelling.
The holiday season is one filled with many stories, isn’t it? The very act of storytelling is one that is closely tied with many holiday traditions. Don’t just advertise your products – tell stories about them! Utilize your email subscriber list and your social media accounts to tell genuine stories about how your business has helped to bring joy to others all throughout the year. It will do more than just promote your website. It will grow the reputation of your brand.
“Our brains are wired to engage with stories,” explains Guillaume Deschamps of StoryChief, “Brain chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins create emotional connections, making us care about the story’s outcome and driving us to listen, read, or watch until the end...You can build trust, engage your audience, and foster strong connections. In fact, research shows that storytelling can boost brand connection and trust by 4% and influence 68% of shoppers’ purchase choices.”
Provide superior customer experiences.
As we mentioned earlier, you’ll have a lot of competition vying for the attention of online shoppers on Cyber Monday. It’s imperative you make it easy for your customers to use your website. The easier it is to locate items, add them to carts and go through the checkout process, the more sales you’re bound to make. A successful Cyber Monday won’t just be about making your products affordable. It will be about making people’s lives easy!
“Deals aren’t the only things customers are looking for on Cyber Monday,” alerts Reed Hartman of BigCommerce, “For 70% of consumers, page speed affects their decision to buy from an online retailer. By slimming down your site –– or by building your store on a lightning-fast platform in the first place –– you can rest assured that your customers are getting the best possible experience on your site.”
Is your company website all set up with an effective online shop?
To ensure a successful Cyber Monday, please don’t hesitate to contact Unity Payments to learn about our safe and secure e-commerce solution! Call us at 1-800-661-3761 or email us at info@unitypayments.ca.