Earlier this month, we posted a blog that highlighted some important ways to revamp that company website of yours. Our tips included ensuring your site is mobile-friendly, making changes based on customer feedback and updating imagery to keep consistent with your brand messaging. Now that the summer is officially underway, it’s time to think of ways to ensure your sales don’t slip throughout the season!
Spruce up your homepage with summer imagery.
Most Canadians just love the summertime. Speak to their joy by showcasing a summer-loving design on your company website. Let all your visitors know just how much you love the summer with images of sunshine, flowers, swimming pools, beaches etc. More importantly, have your homepage showcase that your e-commerce store will be offering money-saving experiences all summer long.
“As an online store owner, you may want to go big and bold with your summer season promotion,” reads Socital.com, “It’s important to showcase that you are running a seasonal offer the moment your website visitors land on your website. To make it stand out, you can use a banner that displays the upcoming sales promotion or be a little more subtle and differentiate the seasonal offer in the navigation bar via color or font-size.”
Review last summer’s sales numbers.
It only makes sense to recall where you were in order to know where to go. How did your online store do last summer? Which products saw sales spikes and which ones plummeted? Consider the marketing strategies that have worked in the past, but also those that may have flopped. Keep in mind the buying trends of your customers and create a marketing strategy that will speak to their needs. As Angie Abratiguin advises on Cazoomi.com, it’s wise to plan ahead.
“Sounds cliché but planning ahead will definitely set the tone for your e-commerce summer sales slump strategy,” she writes, “This is probably not your first summer and by now you have an idea of how your business performs during this season. Armed with crucial sales and marketing data from your previous summers, you are in a better position to counter the summer slump and cushion the impact of the season.”
Launch flash sales.
Flash sales are great ways to elicit senses of urgency. With flash sales, you communicate that the special savings you’re offering will only be available for a short period of time. Jump on your social media accounts to promote both when and for how long your flash sales will take place. The idea, of course, is to get people to click on your online store link immediately instead of waiting for later.
“By holding a flash sale on specific products, you will get an opportunity for upselling and cross-selling since your customers are already on your website,” points out Socital.com, “You can also utilize social media to announce flash sales to reach more people. Furthermore, you can combine online and offline sales to provide your customers with a true omnichannel experience.”
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