It’s important to remind customers about the wonders of your online store. With so many options out there, it’s vital that you regularly offer reasons to choose your e-commerce site over others. Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch. It’s not just an advertising source. It’s a way to maintain customer relationships.
Let it be known that your emails shouldn’t be strict commercials. Your newsletters should be intriguing and informative. Give your subscribers something interesting to read and they will become more inclined to maintain their support of your company. Obviously, each email should include links to your online store.
Send out discount codes.
Who isn’t looking to save money? Speak to the needs of your shoppers by informing them of the savings they can enjoy in your online store. Your email newsletters should regularly include exclusive offers. Let your subscribers know that, by being a subscriber, they are privy to special sales that others are not. As reminds us, everyone loves a sale.
“Receiving an email that contains a discount code or coupon gets customers excited and gives them a reason to buy now,” notes the website, “Consider creating a theme for your sale emails, such as an upcoming holiday or end-of-season clearance.”
Compose creative content.
As we mentioned earlier, no email newsletter should be a blatant advertisement. It’s wise to offer up insight, provide helpful tips and even supply humorous anecdotes. Your emails should be much like your social media posts. They should reflect your brand’s personality. That way, you will endear readers to your business. As insists, don’t write boring email copy.
“Most email marketers will say to make your email skimmable,” says the site, “But you might also land in the trash bin because your email looks just like all the other emails. Make your potential customers pause in their scrolling with clever storytelling. You can also grab their attention with impactful visuals and highlighted text in your sales email campaign.”
Remind customers about their abandoned items.
Cart abandonment is a problem for e-commerce retailers worldwide. In many cases, online shoppers fill their carts and don’t follow through on completing their purchases because of hidden fees. Is there a way you can offer free shipping? Many e-retailers decided to pad their product prices in order to “eliminate” additional costs for their online orders. If you’ve experienced a lot of cart abandonment, email your customers to remind them to complete their checkouts.
“Sending out abandoned cart emails ensures that you aren’t leaving money on the table,” says, “Abandoned cart emails are sent out when a customer leaves your website without purchasing an item in their cart. This type of email serves as a reminder to go back and buy the product. People often get busy or distracted and forget to complete their purchases, even if they meant to.”
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