Today is Black Friday! It’s a day when retailers offer shoppers significant discounts on a wide variety of products. Next up, of course, is Cyber Monday – today’s online equivalent. As an e-retailer, it’s important to know that offering your customers Cyber Monday savings is a vital way to achieve high sales numbers this holiday season.
In a recent blog, we listed some ways to help your company enjoy a super Cyber Monday. In this blog, we’ll continue our look at how to secure a successful Cyber Monday.
Promote your offering of free shipping.
If ever there was a time to offer free shipping, Cyber Monday is it. As you’re well aware, you have countless other e-retailers vying for the attention of shoppers. To help lure consumers away from other sites towards yours, highlight the fact that free shipping is available. As Jimmy Rodriguez of Shift4Shop points out, removing shipping costs can also encourage shoppers to spend even more in your online store.
“Shoppers can’t spend more at your store if they’re also faced with a worrisome shipping fee,” he alerts, “Free shipping incites customers to spend more at your online store rather than hitting a physical store, where they’ll experience immediate gratification and zero shipping costs. Show your generosity and customer appreciation with a simple tactic that’s sure to promote positive feedback and increased sales.”
Ramp up your online marketing efforts.
There is no doubt about it. You need to be busy promoting your Cyber Monday sales all weekend long. Take to your social media accounts throughout the next few days to highlight your popular products and the discounts you’re offering on them. Include a link to your online shop in every post and tweet. As well, take to your emailing list and send out newsletters regarding your forthcoming sale.
“Announcing your Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers on the day of the sale is one thing, but building a suspense around your upcoming deals through sneak-peeks, email marketing campaigns, social media promotions and gorgeous visuals on your site is a completely different matter,” says Oberlo, “The momentum you manage to build early on will help you increase the volume of your sales once the deals are released.”
Display a countdown clock on your website.
A countdown clock is a great way to build anticipation. It’s no different that counting down the seconds into New Year’s Day. It’s a fun way to remind all of your website’s visitors that Cyber Monday is coming and your online shop is the place to go to enjoy significant savings. As Rodriguez contends, countdowns promote anticipation and excitement, leading to increased traffic and a surge in sales.
“Shoppers are much more likely to check out your store when they’re under the impression a mega shopping event is just on the horizon,” he writes, “A great way to implement a countdown is by implementing a countdown timer onto your online store's home page; that way, every visitor will be confronted with your limited time sale and gain a sense of urgency to participate.”
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Unity Payments can help you to take advantage of this ever-growing trend. We’ve made selling online easier than ever! You can seamlessly integrate Unity Payments’ online payment gateway into your website or mobile application to facilitate secure credit card transactions. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-661-3761 or email us at!