Ideally, you are using a credit card that gives you more than just what you have purchased. There are many credit cards on the market that enable you to take advantage of exclusive bonuses and perks. Cash back credit cards are among the most popular in Canada. As their name suggests, these cards give cardholders cash back for spending. According to Holly D. Johnson of The Balance, some cards offer rewards at a flat rate, such as 1.5% back on all purchases.
Here are three major reasons Canadians love using cash back credit cards:
1. Cash back credit cards make what you buy cheaper.
It’s simple math really. Whenever you make a purchase, you receive a small percentage of that purchase back on your card as a cash reward. Effectively, this gives you discounts on everything you buy. Depending on your card, certain purchases entitle you to greater discounts. In addition, as Barry Choi of NerdWallet notes, cash back credit cards are popular because what you’re getting is easy to understand.
“Quite often, the cash back you’ve earned is displayed on your monthly statement or in the mobile app,” he informs, “Since you’re earning cash as your reward, you don’t need to worry about expiration dates or your points devaluing as with rewards credit cards. There’s also no need to report cash back earned as income since the Canada Revenue Agency considers it a discount/rebate.”
2. Some cash back cards offer shopping perks.
Many credit card users cite such perks as travel insurance and product warranties as reasons they select certain cards. In addition to providing cash back rewards, many cash back cards offer these benefits. They can help to safeguard your purchases or save you money, says Johnson.
“These perks include a lowest-advertised-price match, extended warranties, return guarantees (or a refund if a store won’t accept a return), cell phone protection, and more, she writes, “Not all cards offer these features. Read your card’s benefits guide for a detailed breakdown.”
Johnson goes on to note that some cash back cards have 0% APR offers. “Some cash-back credit cards offer 0% APR on purchases or balance transfers for a limited time,” she reveals, “That will let you pay down a big purchase, or existing debt, without paying interest.”
3. Many cash back cards offer sign up bonuses.
Who wouldn’t love a little gift just for signing up for a credit card? Johnson points out that, like travel rewards credit cards, many cash-back credit cards offer sign-up bonuses. In order to be eligible for the sign-up bonus, a cardholder generally has to meet a minimum amount of spending within the first few months. Nevertheless, these bonuses can be worth several hundred dollars.
Do you help your customers to earn cash back on their spending?
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